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Тема 3 The skeletal system-1
1. What does the skeletal system include?

2. What are the functions of the skeleton?

3. How many bones are there in the skeletal system?

4. What are the basic shapes of the bones of the human skeleton?

5. What are the types of bone tissue?

6. What role do the living cells play?

7. What can you say about the diaphysis?

8. What are the epiphyses composed of?

9. What is periosteum?

10. What does the medullary cavity contain?

11. What are the functions of the bone marrow?

12. How is the skeletal system divided?

13. What does the axial skeleton include?

14. What does the appendicular skeleton consist of?

15. How many bones does the axial skeleton include?

16. How are the bones of the upper extremities connected to the axial skeleton?

17. What bones does the shoulder girdle consist of?

18. What bones is the arm composed of?

19. Why are our hands capable of more movement than any other part of our body?

20. How are the bones of the lower extremities connected to the axial skeleton?

21. What is the main function of the pelvic girdle?

22. Why is the pubic arch of the pelvis greater in the female than in the male?

23. What is the longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body?

24. What is the main function of the patella?

25. How much does the entire skeletal system of an average adult weight?

26. What is remarkable about the human skeleton?