Follow the link and vote for your favorite teachers in one or several of these nominations!
Vote here
- Лучший лектор- Best lecturer
- Лучший преподаватель - Best practical class teacher
- Диалог на равных - Equal dialogue. Teacher with whom it is always interesting to communicate
- Золотые слова - Golden words. Teacher who always says important deep thoughts that you always remember.
- Строгость и справедливость - Strict but fair
- Расстояние не преграда- Distance is not a limitation. Teacher with whom online classes were the most enjoyable
- Путеводная звезда - guiding star. The teacher that made you realize that you are good at something
- Я люблю тебя до слез - "I love you to the tears". Teacher with a unique teaching style
- С вами не соскучишься - It is never boring with you. Creative and funny teachers
- Время первых - Time for the leaders. Teachers who are the best at leadership