Department of childhood diseases with a PE-course


The Department of Childhood Diseases with a postgraduate course was founded on 28th May 2008 when the departments were reorganized (Rector’s Order No 30 of 28th May 2008 and No 40 of August 2008) and the Department of Childhood Diseases No 2 with a postgraduate course was renamed into the Department of Childhood Diseases with a postgraduate course. Doctor of medical sciences, professor Natalya Anatolievna Ilyenkova was elected Head of the Department. Historically the Department is closely connected with three other departments that were founded for the first time in Krasnoyarsk State Medical Institute at Pediatrics Faculty, the Department of Hospital Pediatrics founded on 29th September 1966 on the basis of 100-bed Children’s City Hospital in Peshochnaya Street of the Leninsky district that was reorganized into the Department of Childhood Diseases No 2 in 1982 and then into the Department of Childhood Diseases with a postgraduate course. Head of the Department till 1982 was doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, director of Scientific-Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North Konstantin Vladimirovich Orekhov, then, from 1982 to 2008, candidate of medical sciences, professor Emma Fedorovna Starykh. On 29th May 2008, it was reorganized and renamed, and students of General Medicine and Cybernetics Faculties joined it, Natalya Anatolievna Ilyenkova became Head of the Department.

In different years at the Department of Childhood Diseases with a postgraduate course, there worked doctor of medical science, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Deputy Rector for educational work of Krasnoyarsk State Medical Institute, director of Scientific-Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North K.V. Orekhov, F.G. Evspovich, Z.T. Loginova-Kuznetsova, candidate of medical science T.L. Rossovskaya, candidate of medical science, associate professor A.F. Shvetskaya, V.A. Goncharova, candidate of medical science, associate professor L.V. Dmitrieva (1966-1997), doctor of medical science, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of Scientific-Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.T. Manchuk, candidate of medical science S.M. Stepanova-Poliley, candidate of medical science, professor E.F. Starych, candidate of medical science, associate professor N.F. Denisenko, candidate of medical science, associate professor S.I. Ustinova (1974-1982), candidate of medical science A.A. Shik, candidate of medical science, associate professor V.B. Vasiliev (1971-2008), candidate of medical science G.P. Gurkova (1972-2007), N.V. Alkhimova, Yu.V. Starshov (1971-2007), Z.A. Sharypova (1972-1996), candidate of medical science L.I. Zinovieva (1973-1982), candidate of medical science V.A. Niyazov, candidate of medical science V.P. Radionova, L.P. Meingot, M.A. Andreeva, S.I. Povilaitis, A.I. Korshunov, G.V. Petrova, doctor of medical science, professor S.Yu. Tereschenko, M.V. Vlasova, R.M. Bychkova, R.A. Avdeeva, V.N. Timoshenko, M.V. Borisova.

Educational work

Educational work at the Department is carried out according to the annual individual hourly plan. A total of 1,460 students are taught at the Department. Practical classes are held in ‘Faculty pediatrics, endocrinology’ discipline for 4-year students, in ‘Hospital pediatrics’ for 6-year students of specialty 31.05.02 Pediatrics, in ‘Pediatrics’ discipline for 4- and 5-year students of specialty 31.05.01 General Medicine, in ‘Pediatrics’ discipline for 5-year students of specialty 30.05.03 Medical Cybernetics according to the curriculum, by clinical residents.

In the training process, modern educational methods and technologies are used, as well as visual aids, illustration materials and information technologies.

Scientific work

  • At present there were prepared and approved by the RF Ministry of Health some documents for participation in clinical research ‘One year placebo-controlled research of III phase to estimate the efficiency and safety of immunotherapy with allergens of home dust mites in the form of tablets for sublingual administration (HDM SLIT-tablet) in children (5-11 year old) with allergic rhinitis/rhino-conjunctivitis for home dust mites with bronchial asthma and without it’ (Chief researcher N.A. Ilyenkova, coordinator V.V. Chijunov).
  • ‘Prospective observation research of the application of ‘Tigeraza’ medicine (GENERIUM JSC) as a part of a complex therapy in cystic fibrosis patients’ (at the stage of arranging).
  • ‘International multi-focused prospective research of pneumococcal infection features’ Protocol code: SAPIENS (SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT OF PNEUMOCOCCAL INFECTION EPIDEMIOLOGY NETWORKS) – (at the stage of arranging) – SA V Clinical research.
  • Together with ‘Scientific-Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after honorary academician N.F. Gamaley of the Russian Ministry of Health, the theme of ‘Optimization of antibacterial therapy in children with cystic fibrosis in the Krasnoyarsk Region with the study of phenotypical and genotypical characteristics of bacterial agents with the assessment of sensitivity to antibacterial medicines’ (2016-2018) is pursued.
  • Participation in the realization of grant No 18-015000482 A by the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research ‘The influence of genetic and ecological factors on the development of vitamin D deficiency in healthy children and children with cystic fibrosis in the age aspect (joint work with ‘Medical Genetic Scientific Center’ in Moscow).
  • Participation in the realization of the state assignment on the study of vitamin D presence in children with bronchial asthma and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (joint work with ‘Medical Genetic Scientific Center’ in Moscow).
  • The Department employees, being experts in the field of childhood pulmonology, allergology, neonatology and pediatrics, take part in the development of methodological guidance-books for pediatricians, pulmonologists and allergists.

As a result of the scientific work during the period from 2015 to 2019, there were issued 170 publications, among them 65 methodological teaching-aids and guidance-books, 88 scientific articles (25 publications in journals of the Highest Attestation Commission, 25 articles in journals with Web of Science of Scopus index, 1 article in a foreign journal, 8 monographs).

- Every year the employees of the Department make presentations at international conferences (ERS, EAACT).