Department of medical cybernetics and informatics

The Department of Medical Cybernetics and Informatics was established in 2018 by merging two divisions-the Department of medical Cybernetics and the Department of medical Informatics. The Department of medical Cybernetics was headed by doctor of medical Sciences, professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Konstantin Anatolyevich Vinogradov. He headed the new established Department until June 2020. Since June 2020 the head of the Department is the candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Artem N. Narkevich

The Department staff teaches 47 disciplines in all faculties, and also guides 5 apprentice training and provides scientific guidance for the preparation of final qualifying works of students in the specialty 30.05.03 Medical Cybernetics. The Department has 19 employees, including 3 doctors of science, 2 professors, 13 candidates of science, 8 associate professors. The plans of the Department’s scientific research include programs in the field of medical Cybernetics and health organization, the use of statistical methods in biomedical research, the development of intelligent mathematical models for use in medicine, the development of applied software and publication of the results in scientific press, the development and registration of computer programs.