Department of therapeutic dentistry

The Department of therapeutic dentistry is an educational and scientific structural unit of the University, which carries out educational, methodological, scientific, organizational and disciplinary work both with undergraduate and postgraduate students . The Department of Therapeutic Dentistry is located on-site at the dental clinic of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University which is one of the University teaching hospitals.

The head of the Department is Doctor of Medical Science, Associate Professor Svetlana L. Baksheeva

The Department sfaff also includes 1 doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; 8 candidates of medical Sciences, 4 of them are associate professors; 2 assistants. The Department is equipped with the necessary educational equipment (textbooks, dental phantoms (simulators), dental equipment. The Department teaches students from the first to fifth years of the stomatological faculty. The taught subjects are "Material science", "Propedeutics", "Cariology and diseases of hard tissues of teeth", "Endodontics", "Periodontics", "Gerontotechnology of the oral cavity mucosa", "Modern technologies in aesthetic dentistry", "Clinical orthopedics", "Physiotherapy of dental diseases". The department organizes the apprentice training "Assistant of a dentist (therapist)". The Department annually holds educational Olympiads among students of 4-5 years of study "Aesthetic restoration of teeth" and "Endodontics". The specialists of practical health care and manufacturers of dental equipment and materials are involved in the preparation of the event and in the evaluation of participants. The Department of therapeutic dentistry prepares students to participate in the aesthetic dentistry international project JAT (JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY). The responsibilities of the Department include: - creating the necessary conditions for students to master professional educational programs with optimal forms, methods and means of training; - implementation of fundamental, applied and methodological research; - conducting the educational process at a high level using progressive forms and methods of education, modern achievements of medical science and practical health care; - conducting educational work aimed at the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of a student, formation of a modern scientific student’s worldview , the formation of the health culture and labor motivation foundations; - providing highly qualified dental care to the population at the basic clinical site of the University; - development and implementation of new methods of diagnostics, treatment, prevention of diseases and rehabilitation of dental patients; - assistance to local health authorities in providing medical care to the population of the Krasnoyarsk territory. The main direction of scientific activity of the Department is a research in the framework of 2 complex topics "Modern approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of dental diseases" and "Translational and personalized dentistry". During last two years, 2 dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical Sciences have been defended. Employees of the Department annually participate in the organization of interregional, all-Russian scientific and practical conferences with international participation: "Siberian dental forum" and "Siberian-Asian dental forum".