Department of management and economics of pharmacy with a PE-course

The Department of Management and Economics in Pharmacy with a Сourse of Postgraduate Education was established in 2011. Then the teaching staff of the Department consisted of 5 employees. Currently, the department employs 10 teachers. They teach a number of disciplines for students of the specialty "Pharmacy". These are such disciplines as "History of Pharmacy", "Introduction to the Specialty", "Management and Economics in Pharmacy", "Medical and Pharmaceutical Merchandising", "Fundamentals of Pharmacy Business Accounting", "Pharmaceutical Informatics", "Pharmaceutical Consulting", "Pharmacoeconomics", "Pharmaceutical Propaedeutic Practice", and "Management and Economics in Pharmacy Institutions." Our Department is a graduate Department for the specialty "Pharmacy".

The discipline "Management and Economics in Pharmacy" is included in the State Final Sertification of specialists studying in the specialty "Pharmacy" and receiving the qualification "Pharmaceutical Chemist", "provizor".

Together with the "Pharmacy" Department of the Pharmaceutical College at KrasSMU, our lecturers teach the disciplines "Organization and Economics in Pharmacy", "Sales Technique" for students receiving secondary specialized education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and receiving the qualification "Pharmacist".

As a part of postgraduate education, the Department has opened an intern in the specialty "Management and Economics in Pharmacy". The cycle "Organization of Drug Supply for the Population of the Russian Federation" is taught for residents of medical specialties. To improve the qualifications of pharmacists, we regularly conduct certification cycles "Management and Economics in Pharmacy". The Department actively participates in the system of continuous pharmaceutical education, currently there are 4 educational modules on the portal.

Main scientific directions of the Department:

  1. Study on the drug supply organization for socially significant diseases in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
  2. Research into the problems of professional training and rational use of pharmaceutical personnel
  3. Study on the social and psychological issue of professional adaptation of pharmaceutical specialists

In these areas, 4 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations are being prepared.