Gavrilyuk Oksana Aleksandrovna, 2020.09.09 at 16:27
ID: 170627
Mastering academic programs with the use of English: First week completed!
186, 2023.06.09 at 23:25
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International students majoring in General Medicine and Dentistry and mastering their academic programs with the use of English as an intermediary language have completed their first week of studies at KrasSMU.

During this period, they became acquainted with the campus and the city, started learning Russian language and even hit the news on various TV-channels!

First days of adaptation to independent life in a completely unfamiliar Russian city are surely difficult for students from Egypt. But today, it is obvious that they are very successful at this. Of course, they already prepared Russian felt boots and warm clothes, but the main reason for such success is their readiness to learn and openness for communication.

The students have different levels of knowledge in Russian language. They support each other and put their efforts into doing all the tasks. During the round-table meeting held last week, they met their curators and members of the Department of Latin and Foreign languages. The students told about their home country and hometown.

On Monday, September 7, within the framework of their Russian classes, the students had an excursion at Krasnoyarsk Territory Library where they already took some Arabic-Russian dictionaries. On September 8, they participated in the qualifying football competitions between 1st year students, where they won the third prize!

Short-term plans include visiting Stolby National Park, excursions around the city and the University and interactive Russian language classes in the form of role-play games, creative projects and master-classes on cooking Russian national dishes.