Laboratory of fundamental and personalized pharmacy
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
Vice-rector for scientific research
Laboratory of fundamental and personalized pharmacy
The Laboratory of Fundamental and Personalized Pharmacy is designed for conducting research by faculty and students in the specialty "Pharmacy" in two areas: Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Consulting. The Laboratory is located on the 1st floor of the laboratory building. The head of the Laboratory is Ph.D. Elena E. Savelieva. Responsible Individuals: Pharmacognosy Cand. Sc. (Ph.D.) Elena E. Savelieva – responsible for study of the chemical composition of medicinal plant raw materials, determination of the structure, identification of natural compounds, development of methods for isolation, standardization and quality control of medicinal plant raw materials and dosage forms based on it, in particular, the study of apple juice components in the framework of international cooperation with the University of Kanazawa (Japan) Pharmaceutical Consulting Doctor of Medical Science Elena N. Bochanova – responsible for methodology development and therapeutic drug monitoring, study of the pharmacokinetic interaction of drugs in order to develop the most rational combinations during modern pharmacotherapy, development and optimization of pharmacotherapy methods in various groups of patients based on a personalized approach.