Department of general surgery named after professor M.I.Gulman
START > Студентам
Spring semester, 2023-2024
2017.02.08 at 10:00
Materials for the exam in the discipline General Surgery for the 3rd year students majoring in specialty 31.05.03 – Dentistry
2023.12.27 at 09:08
Materials for the exam in the discipline General Surgery for the 3rd year students majoring in specialty 31.05.01 – General Medicine
2023.05.19 at 14:15
Industrial practice - clinical practice Assistant to a hospital doctor
2018.06.01 at 10:17
Industrial practice Assistant to a procedural nurse
2023.10.26 at 12:49
2018.01.16 at 09:19
2016.05.10 at 10:41
2023.01.10 at 09:41
2023.01.13 at 09:53
2023.01.11 at 11:05
Общая хирургия
2014.10.31 at 13:52
Общая хирургия. Хирургические болезни
2014.10.31 at 15:06
Факультетская хирургия
2014.10.31 at 15:02
Госпитальная хирургия
2014.10.31 at 14:14
Учебная практика Уход за больными хирургического профиля
2014.10.31 at 14:43
Summer intermediate certification, 2021-2022
2022.05.23 at 19:57
Tasks for students
2020.04.01 at 11:23
Autumn semester, 2023-2024
2019.08.31 at 12:20
Производственная практика Помощник процедурной медицинской сестры
2014.11.05 at 12:30
Углубленное изучение хирургии
2014.11.01 at 10:25
Госпитальная хирургия
2015.10.06 at 13:14
Чек-листы к экзамену Общая хирургия
2015.12.17 at 15:26
2015.06.02 at 10:57
Winter Interim Certification
2021.12.21 at 09:24
Зимняя промежуточная аттестация
2021.01.08 at 18:41
Summer Interim Certification 2020-2021
2020.05.14 at 12:09